0481-2536978, 2538978 and 2536578


Rules and Regulations

General Discipline

General Discipline

Attendance and Leave


Attendance will be marked at the beginning of each class hour by the teacher engaging the class. Latecomers may be given or refused attendance at the discretion of the concerned teacher. For the purpose of attendance, all working days shall be considered as whole days irrespective of the number of working hours. A student coming to the class shall lose half a day’s attendance unless otherwise recommended by the teacher in charge. A student requiring leave for an hour for valid reasons should get consent from the teacher in charge before that class begins. If leave is required for more than one hour, the student must apply for leave in the prescribed form. A student who absents himself/herself from a test paper, seminar or any other assignments shall not attend the class again with out the permission of the teacher in charge.

All serious cases of illness should be reported to the Principal through the guardian or warden. In cases of absence for more than five days due to illness, a medical certificate is to be submitted along with the leave application. The names of the students absenting themselves for more than ten working days will be removed from the rolls. They may be readmitted at the discretion of the Principal. Students whose attendance falls below the prescribed minimum level have to apply for exemption through the Principal to the University.

Application for leave must be countersigned by the student’s parent/guardian and recommended by the Teacher-in-charge of the class or Head of the Department and is to be submitted to the Principal immediately after the return from his/her leave.

Duty leave for Physical Education activities and any other purpose will be granted only to students representing the college or University in various matches, tournaments, youth festivals, sports events etc. Such students should submit their leave application recommended by the Teacher in charge of Physical Education/Union Director not later than one week after the event. The maximum period for which duty leave can be granted to a student for sports/arts is 10% of the total number of working days

Fee Rules


1. Tuition fee for Degree and P G classes will be collected in two semester installments respectively.

2. Fine for late payment of tuition fees is Rs. 100 within 10 days from due date and Rs. 200 after that. If the fees and fine of an installment are not paid before the last opportunity given for payment of that installment, the name of the student will be removed from the rolls. On clearing the dues the student can be readmitted with a readmission fee of Rs. 500.

3. The names of defaulters of fees will be published on the notice board after the expiry of the last date fixed for payment of that installment.

4. For every payment made to the college office receipt will be issued. Mistakes, if any, in the receipts should be brought to the attention of the accountant immediately. Complaints made later will not be entertained. Students have to produce cash receipts if and when they are asked to do so.


Fee for different examinations will be collected through the college office as per the directions of the University.

Library Rules

A. Working hours

The library will be open from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm on all days except on Sundays and other office holidays. The issue/return counter works only from 9.30 am to 4.00p. Saturdays will be maintenance days and no book will be issued/returned on those days.

B. General rules

Students entering the Reading Room or going to the stacks at the reading and reference counters should produce their identity card at the entrance on demand. Personal articles like books, umbrellas, bags etc. should be kept on the rack at the entrance while entering the library.

Strict Silence should be observed in and around the Library

Magazines and news papers should not be removed from their places on the tables and stands. No mechanical reproduction or tracing of materials shall be made without the permission of the Librarian. Books for reference, illustrated and rare books, special books multi-volumed collections, serial publications and periodicals will be issued out. However, these may be consulted within the library after making necessary entries in the reference register.

Members of the staff may borrow books after making the necessary entries and signing in the issue register. Teachers may keep text books with them for the semester/programme of study. Other books (not more than 10 numbers) may be kept up to 30 days. However, all books borrowed from the library should be returned before 30th April every year.


Each member will be issued a Membership card. Degree and PG students will be issued 2 and 4 readers tickets respectively. If the membership card/readers ticket is lost, these will be reissued after one week on the receipt of a fine of Rs.50 per card. Students should submit in writing to the librarian, if their library cards or membership cards are lost.

D. How to borrow a book

We have the open shelf system here and the students have access to any section/shelf. After making his selection, the borrower must fill in the loan slip (available at the counter), and hand over the book, loan slip, borrower identity card at the issue counter. The book will be issued after the loan slip, members card and identity are checked. Before leaving the counter the borrower shall point out to the librarian any damage or mutilation of the book they are taking.

E. Returning the book

It is the duty of the librarian and his staff to examine the books when they are returned by the borrowers in order to take immediate action whenever necessary. The loan period is 14 days. But in special circumstances the Librarian can call back any book at any time from the students, even if the period of loan has to expired. Delay in returning a book after the due date will entail a fine of 50 paise per day (Rounded to the next rupee) of delay for each volume.

F. Damage to books

The borrower will be responsible for the loss or damage to the books taken out by them. Marking on books with pencil or ink, soiling them, injury to pages or binding, underlining, writing remarks etc. on pages, folding or tearing off pages etc. will be held as serious charges. If a book belonging to a set or series is lost or damaged and a new volume is not separately available, the user will be required to replace the whole set or series. The damaged set or series may be taken away the person after making the re-placement.

If a book is lost, it should be reported to the librarian immediately. He will decide if the book is to be replaced or paid for. If after the payment of the cost, a book lost or missing is recovered, the library will not accept it.

Books taken for reference/consultation should not be put back on the shelves by the readers themselves but may be handed over to the Library Assistant.

All arrears in the library should be cleared by the students before they receive their Hall Tickets for University Examinations or before obtaining the T C if they leave before the completion of the course.

College Examinations
2025 February

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