The Department of English staged another drama on 15th October 2018.The drama “Vacant Throne” was based on the character of Bheema in Mahabharata. It was written and directed by Mr Arun Krishna, Assistant Professor, Department of English.
The role of Bheema was portryed by a female actor, one among the faculty, Ms. Bhavya Madhu, Assistant Professor, Department of English.The people on stage as well as behind the scenes were praised for the performance and making.
Psalm111:9, a drama written and directed by Mr Arun Krishna, Assistant Professor, Department of English was the major contribution of the department for the academic year 2019-2020. It was an adaptation of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s widely acclaimed novel Crime and Punishment. Teachers and students from ma
ny other colleges were part of the spectators. The director and actors especially Amal Mukundan who enacted the protagonist, Raskolnikov were highly praised for their performances.